Black ops 2 carrier
Black ops 2 carrier

Don't worry, it doesn't cost you anything extra.Many FA38s were stationed aboard the USS Barack Obama. We get a small cut if you buy something through one of our links. Source: Se7ensins, Iplaycod Some of our posts include links to online retail stores. Classic engagements and destinations to fight over.”

  • Village: “Border town between China and Kyrgyzstan.
  • Fight across the different tiers and angles.”

    black ops 2 carrier

  • Turbine: “Wind farm in the steep hills of Yemen.
  • Tight alleys and close quarters engagements.” Great close quarters engagements and tough chokes to fight over.
  • Raid: “Fight through this hillside mansion, in the Hollywood Hills.
  • Great urban engagements in the flooded streets.”
  • Nightclub: “Floating resort in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
  • Battle for control of the nuclear cooling tower and the surrounding facilities.”
  • Meltdown: “Pakistan nuclear power plant.
  • Aftermath: “Set in a ruined downtown Los Angeles after an invasion”.
  • black ops 2 carrier black ops 2 carrier

    Frantic, yet controlled close quarters engagements.” Good long to medium engagements up and down the bullet train tracks.”

  • Express: “Los Angeles bullet train station.
  • Great long engagements down the center, fun close quarter fights through the facility.”

    black ops 2 carrier

  • Drone: “Hidden drone facility in the heart of the Mynamar jungles.
  • Good for close quarters engagements and verticality.” Open engagements on the deck, with great close quarter fights through the hull.” Both lists are unconfirmed and may be incomplete or inaccurate, so try and keep your skeptical hats on. Two lists, one of the campaign missions (possible story spoilers) and one of the multiplayer maps (below) of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 have popped online for all the world to see.

    Black ops 2 carrier